Friday, October 18, 2013

Short Post

I've been reading old journal entries, and I am amazed. God has been liberating me from past insecurities, and it's been really awesome to see. I didn't realize how far I had come (or how far I needed to go) until I read some old entries. I encourage you today to read some past journal entries of your own (if you don't have a journal, I encourage you to start one!)

Faith is based not on a wavering hope, but a solid hope. And my hope becomes more solid when I see such evidence, such fruit of what God is doing. He is more than willing to change hearts, and ultimately change lives. If you need some change, God is more than willing to help you!


I will post a picture soon - I drew Audrey Hepburn and I am excited to make another post!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I've been working with pastels lately. Here is some of my latest work! My hope is that it creates a desire in the viewer to see what is beyond the hills.

The sky is very significant to me spiritually - whenever I look at it, I just find so much peace and a sense of God's presence. Come rain or shine, He is constant. My security needs to be found in Him and Him only. This picture reminds me of that, of my dependence on Christ alone. Remember, no one else prevails!

I also like this because I have never known how to do shading with pastels, so I learned a lot. This piece is a springboard into trying new things with pastels. I am very excited to expand my art work!

Sometimes it's a hard thing to create and get in touch with a certain vulnerable side of ourselves. But it is worth it in the end. To get in touch with that part of yourself, whether with music, artwork, or writing, it is going to get you more in touch with your true self. And that is something to never regret!

Something I learned: Instead of actually using a black in your drawings or paintings, use brown! The brown is much more natural and softer looking, as you will see from the top of the sky.

In Christ,

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Corrie ten Boom

So I drew Corrie ten Boom! I've never drawn someone in their 80s or 90s before, and it is quite different. It's not totally accurate, but I really enjoyed the two hours I spent on her. I need to work on drawing textured backgrounds. And I made the darker parts of the drawing way to dark. But I am really psyched about drawing in general, and slowly climbing out of the funk I was in. :)

I checked out "The Hiding Place" from the library, which I really recommend! I've read it once before, but it will be nice to read again. Basically Corrie is talking about how suffering does not keep us from God, and she presents that in a beautiful story from her life.

I'm thankful for God's intervention in my story. Even though there may be suffering involved, even though there is so many times that I'm confused or afraid, God is with there beside me. And the smile on Corrie's face, after all she's endured, proves that for me. It's clear evidence of the freedom that Jesus Christ brings. I don't know about you, but I want to seek that with all that I am. It's not easy, but God is worth more than any of the struggles we may face.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Beauty of Service; The Joys of His Love

Hello again! I got back from my trip the 14th. It was an incredible experience, and I am so psyched to do another one in the future! I helped out with the VBS, shared my testimony, made incredible friendships with incredible people, and really grew closer with Jesus.
I've been satisfied with simply sitting home quiet with Him, and debriefing after the trip. Simply relaxing and enjoying home. I enjoy it, and it's a great way to grow closer to Him, as well as grow more acquainted with myself.
A big lesson I learned on the trip was how roughly I treated myself. Before the trip, I let the views that other people had of me reflect on how I viewed myself. This trip really dug into the lesson that I have a purpose. I'm not a mistake, and God has plans for me to serve. And He has blessed me with a servant's heart, for I am really enjoying it. I never thought I would, but He has been surprising me, by the work He has been doing in me. I am definitely a work in progress, but there are signs of His work, and they are encouraging me. :)
There are many worldly mantras of how we should love ourselves and take care of ourselves. While that does hold some truth, I believe that rather than loving ourselves, we should let God love on us and take care of us! Considering God created us, I think He knows what we need even more than we do. :) He is our Abba, our heavenly Papa, and He enjoys loving on us. The love that we accept from Him, we can more freely give to others. A beautiful, heavenly cycle that I want to continue.
So I've been taking time quiet; knitting, listening to music, writing, and reading His promises - letting Him love on me as I do these tasks. I've tried drawing and painting, but I'm sort of at an artist's block! :( People encounter those, right? I'll try and press through it, but no pressure. I hope to buy some paints soon; paintings always gets me excited about art.
My trip was a time to serve God, but I got so much in return. As I continue blogging, I will continue sharing what I've learned and experienced. Those two weeks were amazing; I was so blessed to be supported by my amazing church and prayed for by countless people! It's been great seeing them again and spending time with them, too. :)

In Christ,
The Artistic Believer

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mission Trip!

I was going to make a post in three weeks, after my missions trip, but I'm bored, so here is a post. :)

I am going with Touch the World on this trip. For the first week I will train in upstate New York, and then the second week will be helping Hurricane Sandy victims in Staten Island. I will do some construction as well as help a church with their VBS. I am so excited!! I have wanted this for over a year now. My goodness, now that's it is here... it's incredible. Very surreal. Packing, preparing... doesn't feel real yet. It's all so beyond me. I am so psyched!!

I am not one to take risks. Or to go on adventures like this. This is all so new to me! I could not be more excited. I feel ready. If it weren't for God's comfort in my heart, I would not be ready. I would not go. This trip is for Him, and I pray it stays that way. That I don't make it about me. It's easy to do that.

Prayers for me are appreciated! For health, for a positive experience, and that God can use me to reach a lot of people for His name.

Thank you!


I drew my Dad this week - here is his picture! First two with flash, last two with no flash.

Reference here: