Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mission Trip!

I was going to make a post in three weeks, after my missions trip, but I'm bored, so here is a post. :)

I am going with Touch the World on this trip. For the first week I will train in upstate New York, and then the second week will be helping Hurricane Sandy victims in Staten Island. I will do some construction as well as help a church with their VBS. I am so excited!! I have wanted this for over a year now. My goodness, now that's it is here... it's incredible. Very surreal. Packing, preparing... doesn't feel real yet. It's all so beyond me. I am so psyched!!

I am not one to take risks. Or to go on adventures like this. This is all so new to me! I could not be more excited. I feel ready. If it weren't for God's comfort in my heart, I would not be ready. I would not go. This trip is for Him, and I pray it stays that way. That I don't make it about me. It's easy to do that.

Prayers for me are appreciated! For health, for a positive experience, and that God can use me to reach a lot of people for His name.

Thank you!


I drew my Dad this week - here is his picture! First two with flash, last two with no flash.

Reference here:

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