Friday, March 8, 2013

(Watch the video to understand the post)

My friend showed me this video, and it amazed me to see how much God cares about every detail of our lives. This video is of the main singer in Tenth Avenue North, Mike Donehey. His story has many similarities to mine; I also got into music because there was pain in my life.
When I was about 8, I found out I have an accessory navicular bone (you can read a bit about it here) and it made it hard to have fun. In 2005, I sprained my ankle (from winning a jumping contest, totally worth it...) Symptoms of this painful bone started flaring up right around that time. I had to quit ballet dance, which I really enjoyed.
After I quit, the pain started getting worse, and it was hurting to even walk around the house.We saw a few orthopedic doctors. They said to put ice on it, get arch-supports for my shoes, to not run on it... I was very impatient, and wanted a quick fix. I was incredibly tempted to go for surgery, but I knew recovery was long, and there could be severe consequences if there were any complications during surgery. I wanted to run again!
My mom, being the amazing genius she is, came up with the idea for me to wear a cast on my leg, to reduce the swelling around it. Turns out that was the reason it hurt; not the actual bone itself, which was a relief to find out. The cast worked very well, and I have been pain free since. :)

The doctor advised, however, to not enter into any extreme physical sports or activities that could cause the pain to flare up again. I permanently stopped ballet. It was pretty hard, but God blessed me with flexibility as one of my character qualities. That made it much easier.
I couldn't do sports. I couldn't dance. It was rough. But I knew there was something I could do instead. I knew I wanted to do something that would stand out from stuff the other kids were into.
I had quit piano, I wasn't singing in the choir... music was out of my life pretty much. So it was strange, to be honest, when the harp just... came to mind! People ask sometimes why, of all the instruments, would I play the harp... and I still don't know why. Maybe it was God, I don't know! But February 1st, 2010, I got my first harp lesson. And I loved it.

Like Mike said, God can really take the bad in your life and make it for good. He is very interested in letting His light shine in and through your life. Don't look at what I've been through, look at the cross. He will bring redemption in your life. Just submit to Him.
I'm in a place I never thought I'd be. When I was 8, I never dreamed I would ever play the harp. God has used music in many incredible ways in my life, whether listening to it or making it.
When you make the choice to give up your life to Him, you can trust that what He is doing is best. He loves His children, and I would like to say that time in my life has turned out to be a testament to His faithfulness through trial.

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