Friday, February 15, 2013

Lent, Easter, and Photography

I am SO excited for Easter! My heart is overflowing with God's joy, and I hope that by reading this post, you get a taste of His love I feel right now.
Easter is in the spring, yes I know. Normally my favorite seasons are winter then spring, but I have been under the weather for too long to be enjoying the snow!

Lent is a time of preparation; for letting what needs to die, die. For finally removing the old habits that have lingered for far too long. For letting God reign in His rightful place in our hearts.
Lent is most popular with Catholics. While I am not Catholic, I firmly believe in setting aside time to prepare our hearts for such an important holiday.

Christmas is very exciting to me, but Easter more so! (I am sure there are parts of Christianity that are more exciting than others to some people.) To think that a God so loving, powerful, just, and full of grace, would come down in a position even lower than we are, and let us hurt Him so deeply with our sin moves me. It baffles me that God would allow His sinless heart break in two as He poured out His wrath on His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. It also amazes me.

I encourage you to give up something to God this year! Last year I gave up Facebook. This year I'm going a bit further by giving up pretty much everything but Facebook on the computer. Being homeschooled, the internet is a huge part of my life, and I feel that using the computer should be for more important things, like friends and school work. And that is all I am going to keep it to this Lent!
Every time you are tempted, be mindful of His sacrifice, and how much harder it was for God to sacrifice His only Son than it is to sacrifice whatever earthly thing you could ever sacrifice. The Holy Spirit will strengthen you as you progress.

Moving on to a topic more artsy, I tried my luck at photography! I changed my blog banner with some of my photography, and I did so many random things. I'll post most of them! These are unedited, except for the collage.

Boxer's adorable paws. :]

A window in the city around Christmas time!

The big piano in F.A.O. Schwartz!

It was very fun to mess around with my camera. Speaking of photography, you should check out my sisters photography blog, Simply Snapshots! Tiffany is my favorite photographer, so you should really check her out. ;)

I will post some artwork soon; I am currently drawing Mumford and Sons!

God bless,
The Artistic Believer

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