Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Happy New Year! I hope the holidays were as merry as mine were!
I haven't made a post in about 2 months! I would apologize, but I've thought about it from time to time, and I haven't had the time/haven't been inspired when I did have the time. Art can't be forced, but I am sorry all of my adoring followers had to wait so long. ;)
I want to get back to being inspired. I think the problem is I'm too busy; I don't take enough time to just be quiet. I used to, but I've wanted to concentrate on school, my reading, and my writing. Those things are priorities in my life now, I guess.
Art is something I strongly believe God wants me to pursue! I can't say He's audibly confirmed it, but I do enjoy it, as do other people. :)

This is a portrait I drew for my friend, Kayana. She's inspired me in art/blogging, for sure! She runs her own blog, which I hope you check out! Here is the link: http://lilfitbirdie.com
It is a blog on fitness, health, and improving your sense of well-being!
It's a smaller picture, but the ones I took didn't have the best lighting. I was happy to give it to her, and happy to work the 5+ hours I did work on it! She was very pleased with the results, and so were the others that were around when I did give it to her!
All I used was a number 2 pencil, and a whole lot of finger strength. (Her hair is really dark!)

Dear reader, I would love to draw a portrait for you, too! No matter where you live, no matter who you are; girl, boy, old, young... I would love to draw your face! I enjoy new experiences, so I'm free to draw anything, from pets, to favorite household objects, whatever! 
My pricing will be listed on my blog, so check that out if you're interested!

God's been teaching me discipline and teaching me to work harder and more focused on different things. So I have been focusing on reading, writing, and school, which is more of an importance to me. But art, I think, is also good for me, and is a great outlet for me, so I am looking forward to getting a new sketchbook and beginning fresh!! :)

God bless,
The Artistic Believer


  1. Beautiful post and picture you made of Kayana! You are an inspiration!!

    1. Carolyn! I'm so glad you found my blog! Thank you for the kind words! :)


Feel free to leave comments on my work or writings. Leave questions if you have any, and I'll be sure to keep in touch.