Thursday, November 8, 2012

Update on the blog

Note: Stay tuned, I did my first portrait for a friend of mine, Kayana! I will do a proper post on her drawing in the following weeks.

I am in the midst of redoing my blog. I made an email address specifically for my blog, I redid my 'about me', I made a Tumblr, and I am looking for ways to get publicity on Tumblr and Twitter. When that happens, I believe it will be easier for people to find me on this blog!

I want publicity not for the sake of being "famous," but rather so I'll feel more confident in what I'm doing. I don't care if I make money from doing this, I just want people to say they were inspired by what I did and are inspired to get closer to God. Perhaps God will draw closer to them through what I draw or what I write, that will be good as well. The point is, I don't want any of this for me. That's why this is so important to me. I hope that makes sense.

I want God to be pleased with what I'm doing. I want Him to see that others are being inspired by what I do and smile. But sometimes I feel like this work is in vain. The truth is, I've had this blog for over 6 months. I don't have many Twitter followers, I have no Tumblr followers, and it's easy to get frustrated by that.

But through all of this, I need to take some time to think. (Be still and know I am God Psalm 46:10)

Knowing who God is, I can imagine Him smiling just from the mere effort of wanting this to be good for Him. And that should be enough; even if others aren't inspired, I want God to be pleased with me and who I am. Even if this blog never gets "famous," or if I never get another follower, God will be pleased with me, because I want everyone who comes onto this blog to see a glimpse of what God is capable of, who He is, and what He has done in my life. He knows that I believe that deep down. And it's true, He has done so many good things, I would be here all night thinking, remembering, and dreaming.

He was the inspiration behind this blog. This blog was made to celebrate the fact I can sub-create from God's creation. I want people to know that, and as long as the 5 followers I have know that, well, I guess I'm doing my job.
So I guess the point behind this post was to let you all know that I don't post once a month out of obligation; this isn't just a blog to me. It's more than that. And I hope you all see that.

God bless,
The Artistic Believer

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