Thursday, June 28, 2012

Taylor Swift

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I was recently inspired to draw a portrait. I wanted the face to be simple and my drawing to be accurate. I wanted to have fun with the detail as well. This was the result!

This is the part I need to focus on next time

There are a few minor details that need tweaking. I am very pleased with her hair, but towards the bottom of the picture it looks less lifelike.  I think I made her face a bit too narrow, but it is hardly noticeable. I feel like I captured the overall expression of Taylor Swift. I have received several compliments on it from family and friends. :)

What I am learning how to do is fix those tweaks before I begin shading and to be very patient!

The inspiration came when I pulled up an old picture I had of Taylor Swift on my computer. She is certainly a young woman I admire. She holds a high standard of love and doesn't want to find "just anyone" to date. She wants to find the one. She should be a role model for every teenager wanting to find love.

There is an art contest coming up in the Mamaroneck Library. When I do get the chance to go there and enter, this will be my entry. Taylor Swift is not just a "celebrity" to me (nor is she more than that to me.) She is a beautiful young woman.  Like I said, she holds high standards for love that I think more people should hold (not to mention her singing is beautiful). It makes you wonder if she has ever experienced God's crazy love.

When you experience God's love, you don't want to find "just anyone" to be in a relationship with. God's love is the purest, most beautiful kind of love. It makes you view love in a completely different way. It flows through you; straight to the core of who you are. More importantly, His love overflows out of you and blesses other people. When His love overflows from you, you might bring more people to Him than you think.

In Christ,
The Artistic Believer

P.S. I just made a Twitter! Follow me, and I'll follow you! I also made a Facebook page. Like? :)

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