Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Water colors and more.

I am horrible at updating this blog! Forgive me, this is something completely new to me.

I promised a water color picture. Well here is one of my best:

The color did not come out well on the scanner, so I just took a picture of it. (I got a camera for my birthday!! :) This was from a porcelain figurine we have of an angel playing the harp. I thought it was appropriate, considering I do play the harp. Not to mention I will be an angel someday...

Water colors are not my favorite medium, that's for certain. They come out quite beautifully when done properly, but even so, I have not found success with them. I will be a lot better off painting and drawing with mediums I am interested in. Success, after all, is doing what you love.

I need to get better at sketching, as you can see. This may be one of my best water colors, but it is not my favorite sketch all together.

I am by no means an expert at art, but God is slowly but surely guiding me into the areas of art He believes are best. I am getting the most wonderful advice from family and friends. I am certain His hand is behind it all.

I have saved up quite a bit of money for supplies. I think I am going to buy a light box for my sketches. I found a pretty inexpensive one at A.I. Friedman's. They have a great selection of art supplies there!

I was introduced to a new medium of art recently called stippling. It is very fascinating! Stippling is a method of drawing using dots or short strokes to create your art. I found a beautiful drawing that used stippling. This is not mine, I found it here.

Until next time!

God bless,
The Artistic Believer

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