Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Self portrait: Recent

Recently I posted a post showing my baby self portrait I drew. Now I will show you a picture of my recent self portrait. Click to improve the quality:

The picture to the left is my recent portrait and the one to the right is one I drew last year. (Yes, I had the same hair style!! What else is funny, I look like I'm wearing the same shirt, too! :)) The differences are remarkable. It is encouraging to see. The details of the face are more prominent, the shirt has more details, and I actually added some shadows.

This was done by a window in a mirror. Because it was done in a mirror, the face isn't 100% accurate, but the details are still strongly prominent, which I like.

What I don't like about this picture is the shadow on the shirt- it is too dark compared to the rest of the photo. I think the nose could've been narrower on top and wider on the bottom. The eyes are a bit large as well. Other than these minor things, I think this is a major improvement to last year. I'm excited to see how this will improve in 2013!

Next, I'll show you some of my water color paintings! Stay tuned! :)

God bless,
The Artistic Believer.


  1. I love this! Isn't it great when you can see improvement? Your self-critiques will really accelerate your progress too. As for the portrait, the detail in your features and hair are beautiful. And even though the eyes are a little big, it has a nice style to it. I'd like to see more portraits in this style. Keep it up!

    Rachel Ramm

    1. Thank you so much! I am working on drawing the outline of everything first before adding details. It's so tempting! I'm glad you like it, I'll be posting more soon. :)



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