Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crazy Love

Crazy Love - Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, by Francis Chan, is the greatest book I have ever read. It's probably the greatest book I will ever read.

Francis Chan starts out by describing God's amazing set apart nature, and how worthy He is for our love and trust. He tells how we can apply these truths to our lives.
He goes in further, telling us how detailed God is. How God has carefully planned out every little detail about us and our lives. (I bet you knew that God made everything, but have you ever marveled at it? From caterpillars, to laughter, to rainbows and trees!) From big to small, God has made it all.
The rest of the book is filled with helpful Bible verses, life experiences, and just mind-blowing truth that will change how you live your life forever. It will make any life go from ordinary, to extraordinary.

You just might go crazy in love.

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