Thursday, May 9, 2013


Oh my gosh, I looooooved tonight's art club meeting.

I think I found a new favorite artistic style; fauvism. My goodness, the paintings were so elegant and simple yet filled with emotion and power.

This art club has really moved me. I don't want to make art when I'm inspired; I want to make art to inspire me. Does that make sense? I hope so. I don't know how to put it into words exactly, just how happy I am with art and how thankful I am that God gave us this outlet to use to say how we feel and how we see things as individuals without using words.

We learned about Henri Matisse and how he was one of the leaders for this artistic movement. Fascinating, just really fascinating. He used such bold color yet such simple designs. There were so many paintings that made my jaw drop, it really overwhelmed me.

Weird interjection: I know this might sound stupid, but being a Christian, I wonder sometimes if there will be art in heaven. Will there be no need for art? Will God still want us to create? Will WE still want to create? Hmm... quite the brain-teaser.
Oh well.
/end rant.

Ah, just LOOK at these colorful art pieces. I could stare at these forever, just wondering what Henri was thinking when making them. I won't share all the ones I liked, but here are some of my favorites that were displayed/that I found on the Wikipedia gallery (I know, total art expert here. ;))

Most (if not all) of these were done with oil paints on a canvas. :)
Last art club, the assignment was to create an expressionistic (or was it impressionistic?) piece. We were supposed to turn them in this art club. I put it out of my mind until the last minute, and then I was not inspired when I did remember! I did make something the day before, but I did not scan it in, and I thought it resembled something I could've made when I was 6. ;P
I have been making more art just for the sake of making it, with no regard to if it looks like a 6 year olds piece of art or not. Weeeeeell, the results have been interesting. They are irrefutably young-looking, the pieces, but I enjoyed the feeling I had when creating them and picking out the colors to make them. The style will catch up later, I hope!
Here's to breaking down artistic walls. :)
And with that, I will close with an amazing instrumental piece I found!

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