Tuesday, March 6, 2012


    Welcome to my blog! This is my first blog post. Yay! My name is Brianna. I am fourteen years old and am in my first year of high school. I live with my parents and my older sister. I also have an adorable rabbit named Boxer. He will be turning six this coming April. I am a harpist and am very interested in the arts.
    I am teaching myself how to sketch and paint. Right now, I am experimenting with certain kinds of art, but have found no exact medium I prefer over another. With a lot of ideas and determination, I am going to have nothing stop me from becoming the woman God wants me to be. I want to break the stereo-type of the typical teenager. I want to inspire everyone, young and old, with my art work and music.

    I am my strongest critic, I believe. My biggest wish for my art work is not that it will become famous some day, but rather that it will set free the inspiration within me all the while inspiring others in some small way. Feedback would be greatly appreciated from people other than myself and family (whether it's pleasing or aggravating. ;)). I am still new in the arts, and will continue to get better, so any input is welcome.

    The picture on the top of this post is my self portrait I drew last year. I hope to share past, recent, and future art creations weekly with everyone! If you like what I have written, want to see another painting or sketch, or just have a question, feel free to comment below.

    My prayer for this blog is that my art would be like a mirror, reflecting to Someone greater. I pray you will see God in all of my posts, and that He will use me to bless you in the small way I am able.

God bless,

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